Hanson 5-2014
This trip to Hanson Quarry was just a week after the previous one with no rain in between. I was a little worried that it might be a bust but I did...
This trip to Hanson Quarry was just a week after the previous one with no rain in between. I was a little worried that it might be a bust but I did...
Paleozoic invertebrates of Millard County Utah, May 28th-31st, 2014. NCFC Vice President, JB Bain, led a trip that included Brian and Brigid Kram and three of their young children (Kolbe, Aidan, and Agnes); Pam...
The initial scout trip to Rocky Mount proved so successful that David Sanderson secured two more trips there, one on May 23th and the next on May 30th (still looking at the fact that...
Twenty five members met on May 2nd for the second trip into Castle Hayne this Spring. Again, great weather greeted the group where some great specimens were found. It reminded me of the old...
The trip went fairly well…the abundant rains of the previous days did cause the river water level to be 1ft higher than normal collecting conditions. It was however a warm and sunny day and...
The cherry blossoms were done blooming, but even so – eleven members of the North Carolina Fossil Club journeyed to Washington DC on Good Friday to visit the Smithsonians National Museum of Natural History...
The Tar Heel Gem and Mineral Club obtained access to the Hanson Quarry in Rocky Mount the weekend of April 12th. Mary Harbison, a member of their club and ours, told us after their...
Twenty seven members of the NCFC met on March 28th for the first trip of the year into Castle Hayne. Rains earlier in the week left muddy roads but provided fresh hunting areas. Most...
The heavy rain of Thursday and Friday resulted in delaying our trip until Sunday, March 9th. Some NCFC members had to cancel due to storm damage caused or other commitments. Therefore, some on the...
The Jacobs Creek Quarry Trip took place on February 9th due to rain. We had 16 club members attend. Ediacaran material is from the Cid Formation, the unnamed mudstone member. It dates from 542 million years ago in North Carolina. ...
The second Aurora Cook-Out of the year was again a big hit. What turned out to be a very pleasant November day saw 25 club members turning out for another round of fossils, food...
Twenty-eight members of the North Carolina Fossil Club were greeted by cold and dreary weather on Friday, October 25th to try their luck fossil hunting at Castle Hayne. By 10 AM we had the...
It was definitely a nice but wet trip!! On September 21st, 2013 we met at 9am at the Ball Park on S. Elm Street in Greenville to fossil hunt in Greens Mill Run (GMR)....
The Aurora Cook-Out was a great success. 20+ club members turned out for a day of fun, food and fossils! With the recent rains, the piles were freshly washed, and while some folks collected,...
We had about 20 adults and 3 children attend the Onslow quarry field trip. It was a warm day but not too hot. I was expecting the weather to be fairly hot as we were only a week away...
On April 13, 2012 at least 14 club members explored Green’s Mill Run (GMR) in Greenville. It was a a little cool, but the weather was good enough for splashing around in the creek...
After two cancellations for this trip due to bad weather, the third attempt was finally a success. At the last minute, this trip was changed from a Friday to a Thursday (again due to...
Eighteen collectors attended the fossil trip to Onslow Quarry on November 30. After signing in and watching the required safety video we were escorted to the collecting area. The collecting area was small but...
Day 4 consisted of several Cretaceous Duck Creek Formation sites around Ft Worth where we searched for (and found) large Macraster echinoids, and a few ammonites, then on to a couple more Cretaceous Goodland...
Eleven hardy North Carolinians headed to Texas for 6 days of non-stop collecting. The group consisted of: James Bain, Earl Guertin, Joy Herrington, Rufus Johnson, Ramona Krailler, Linda McCall, George Oliver and Diane and...
Twelve club members showed up with beautiful weather for the Fall trip to Rocky Point. Unfortunately the quarry had scheduled a shot (dynamite blast) at 12:30 so we were restricted in hunting area until...
Thirty one members participated in the Fall Castle Hayne club trip. Sunny skies and warm temperatures greeted the group. We were lucky that no shot (dynamite blast) occurred so we had the whole day...
On September 22, 2012 at least 17 club members explored Green’s Mill Run (GMR) in Greenville. It was a perfect 70 degree sunny day. We all met at the Green Springs Park, but a...
On April 27, 2012 thirty-eight members took part in the recent collecting trip to Martin Marietta Limestone Quarry at Rocky Point. Warm sunny weather greeted everyone with recent rains uncovering some nice fossils. Both...
On March 30, 2012 thirty-five members of the North Carolina Fossil Club took part in the annual spring collecting trip to Castle Hayne. This was the largest turn-out for the Castle Hayne trip ever!...
On October 21, 2011 nineteen members of the North Carolina Fossil Club met at Martin Marietta Limestone Quarry at Castle Hayne, NC for the annual fall collecting trip. The weather forecast included mid-seventies with...
The Tar River is one of my favorite hunting grounds for petrified wood. I probably have 50 pieces or more from here, with some of them weighing hundreds of pounds. Most of the wood...
Eighteen members of the North Carolina Fossil Club gathered on September 23, 2011 for the annual Fall collecting trip to Martin Marietta Limestone Quarry at Rocky Point, NC. Many members had trouble driving to...
The Belgrade fossil trip began with for me with an ominous start. Halfway from my home in Raleigh to the quarry, my tire decided to shred, leaving pieces of rubber along Highway 70. After...
Seventeen club members met on April 29th for the trip into Rocky Point. We had great weather and the heat was not a big factor this year. We were limited in the morning where...
Twenty one club members attended the trip to Castle Hayne on April 8th. We hunted the usual area allowed by the quarry and had sunny and cool weather the whole day. A good mix...
Nineteen members were present for the trip to Castle Hayne. We were very fortunate to have John join the hunt. John had hosted this trip for years and we want to thank him for...
Nine club members met on September 24th for another trip into the Martin Marietta Rocky Point quarry where we were fortunate to be able to hunt the entire mine. We started at ten in...