Three current books, plus the newest four volumes of the four volume Fossil series (Vol I: Fossil Invertebrates and Plants; Vol II: Fossil Mollusks; Vol III: Fossil Fish; Vol IV-1: Reptiles, Birds and Land Mammals; Vol IV-2:Marine Mammals), written by North Carolina Fossil Club members are available. Books can be purchased at NCFC meetings, ordered through the mail or ordered from the Online Store using a credit card or PayPal. For a description of the books and how to order, see below (The books are not pre-stamped with the price in order to facilitate resale by museums and other vendors).
To order any of the books by mail, print the order form <order form> and send your order and a check (or your agency's purchase order) payable to the North Carolina Fossil Club to the address below. Please be sure to include your contact information and the shipping address for your order. For questions or to inquire about resale/bulk pricing or shipping outside the continental US, please send an email to:
store at
North Carolina Fossil Club
Book Orders
P.O. Box 25276
Raleigh, NC 27611-5276
Cretaceous and Paleogene Fossils of North Carolina - A Field Guide (2019 Edition)
Authors: John Timmerman and Richard Chandler
Description: 76 Pages. 81/2" x 5". Cretaceous and Paleogene (Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene epochs) marine and land deposits.
85 million years ago to 23 million years ago
$10.00 includes shipping and tax (where applicable).
Neogene and Quaternary Fossils of North Carolina - A Field Guide (2011 Edition)
Authors: Richard Chandler and John Timmerman
Description: 64 pages. 81/2" x 5".
Miocene and Pliocene marine, Pleistocene surface deposits. 23 million years ago to recent.
$10.00 includes shipping and tax (where applicable).
Two book Combo. Buy both the Cretaceous and Paleogene Fossils of North Carolina - A Field Guide (2019 Edition) and Neogene and Quaternary Fossils of North Carolina - A Field Guide (2011 Edition)
Authors: Richard Chandler and John Timmerman
Description: 64 pages. 81/2" x 5".
Miocene and Pliocene marine, Pleistocene surface deposits. 23 million years ago to recent.
$17.00 includes shipping and tax (where applicable).
Seal/Dolphin - A Skeletal Comparison of Two Marine Mammals
Author: John Timmerman
Description: 84 pages. 81/2" x 11". Each bone of modern animals (spotted dolphin to represent dolphin/porpoise and the harbor seal to represent seals) is illustrated to help fossil collectors sort the rarer seal fossils from the more common whale fossils and to assist in the identification of fossils of both animals.
$15.00 includes shipping and tax (where applicable).
Fossil Invertebrates and Plants - Volume I of IV (2021)
Authors: Various
Description: 300 Pages; hundreds of color photographs; 12" x 9".
Geology; Plants; Miscellaneous Invertebrates - Ediacaran Biota, Micro Fossils, Sponges, Corals, Bryozoans, Brachiopods, Worms (Polychaete), Crustaceans and Echinoderms. 540 million years ago to recent.
$75.00 per book, includes shipping and tax (where applicable); eBook available through online store for $25.00. Shipping outside the continental US will be higher.
Fossil Mollusks - Volume II of IV: Second Edition (2020)
Authors: Richard Chandler & John Timmerman
Description: 310 Pages; hundreds of color photographs; 12" x 9".
Geology; Mollusks: Cephalopods, Chitons, Tusk Shells, Bivalves and Gastropods.
$75.00 per book, includes shipping and tax (where applicable); eBook available through online store for $25.00. Shipping outside the continental US will be higher.
Fossil Fish - Volume III of IV (2015)
Authors: Richard Chandler & Pat Young
Description: 386 Pages; hundreds of color photographs; 12" x 9".
Cartilaginous Fish: Shark and Chimaera Teeth, Other Fossils, Pathological Examples.
Bony Fish: Skeletal Remains, Otoliths, Bony Fish Anatomy.
$85.00 per book, includes shipping and tax (where applicable); eBook available through online store for $25.00. Shipping outside the continental US will be higher.
Fossil Reptiles & Birds, Land Mammals - Volume IV of IV Part I (2017)
Authors: James Bain, Emily Bruff Simpson, Richard Chandler, Kim Greene, Vince Schneider
Description: 232 Pages; hundreds of color photographs; 12" x 9".
Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Proto-Mammals, Land Mammals.
$65.00 per book, includes shipping and tax (where applicable); eBook available through online store for $25.00. Shipping outside the continental US will be higher.
Fossil Marine Mammals - Volume IV of IV Part II (2021)
Authors: Richard Chandler and Joy Herrington
Description: 244 Pages; hundreds of color photographs; 12" x 9".
Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises, Sirenia, Seals, Walrus
$65.00 per book, includes shipping and tax (where applicable); eBook available through online store for $25.00. Shipping outside the continental US will be higher.