Rocky Point 9-2010

Nine club members met on September 24th for another trip into the Martin Marietta Rocky Point quarry where we were fortunate to be able to hunt the entire mine. We started at ten in the morning, before the heat got too intense and found the usual Rocky Point fare. Don ound a nice sawfish vertebra and a perfect Eurhodia rugosa echinoid. Trish and Louis found a variety of small teeth, a Cylindracanthus fragment and a Hardouinia mortonis echinoid. Later, after lunch, we relocated to the other side of the mine and Tracy immediately found the largest tooth of the day. A nice three inch ariculatus! With temperatures approaching the 100 degree mark, hunting became secondary and escape from the heat became the priority. As some retired to their cars to enjoy some A/C, Bruce found a nice Hardouinia kellumi! New member Kristin enjoyed her first experience of hunting in a quarry. Eric and Jonathan also accompanied the trip.