Author: NC Fossil Club
2018 NC Fossil Fair
The NC Fossil Fair on November 3 was a huge success, with 2600 attendees at the NC Museum of Life and Science (NCMLS) in Durham, NC! (Last year’s first Nov. Saturday attendance at the...
NCFC Meeting September 2018
Our speaker for the September meeting was Duke student Tim Sokolskyi who talked about Shark Evolution.
See What the Earth looked like years ago…
Enter any time period and your address and see an interactive view of the globe with the geological time period.
Dinosaur eggs found by NCSU paleontologist now at NCMNS
A researcher at North Carolina State University has recovered a clutch of rare dinosaur eggs from cliffs in Utah. The football-sized oviraptorosaur eggs were in sediment estimated to be 97 million years old, said...
NCFC Founding Member Profile (Edgar Womble)
The North Carolina Fossil Club was founded in 1977 due largely to the efforts of Edgar A. Womble, Jr. He served as president of the club from 1977-79, promoting both fellowship and an opportunity...
Greens Mill Run April 2018
We could not have asked for better weather or a better group of people. Our group consisted of members who had been to GMR many times as well as some who were experiencing the...
Stamford Museum Researcher publishes paper on east coast dinosaurs
Chase Doran Brownstein from the Stamford Museum in Connecticut has published a paper on Appalachian dinosaur biogeography and ecology in the Paleontologia Electronica . Members of the NC Fossil Club assisted with the research...
NCFC Meeting March 2018
Dr. Patricia Kelley, Professor Emerita of Geology, UNC-W, comes to us from the Paleontological Society Distinguished Speaker Program. Her talk was titled The Arms Race from a Snail’s Perspective: Evolution of the Naticid Gastropod Predator-Prey...
Origin of Janus
The title of the club’s newsletter, Janus, comes from an ancient god of Roman mythology. Janus was a god of two faces, one young and one old; one face to see the future, the...
James Bain – 2018 Chandler Award Recipient
Congratulations to James Bain for being recognized as the 2018 NC Fossil Club Chandler Award recipient.
Welcome from New NCFC President Diane Willis
Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for electing me as your new club president. As you know, our elections occur at our annual meeting during our fall Fossil Fair, and the new electees...
What is the oldest fossil found in NC?
The oldest fossil found in North Carolina was supposed to be a marine worm called Vermiforma antiqua Cloud. It was found by a student named James Wright, at the South Fork of Little River...
Where in NC can you find the most diverse assemblage of vertebrate fossils?
The most diverse assemblage of vertebrate fossils found in North Carolina comes from the PCS phosphate mine in Aurora, NC. Fossils from the Pungo River, Yorktown, and younger formations from this quarry have included...
How much coprolite is too much?
The Guiness Book of World Records has recognized George Frandon from Florida as having the world’s largest privately held coprolite (poop) collection. Guinness certified his collection of 1277 specimens from 8 countires and 15...
Creekside Science Night 2018
Diane Willis, Trish Kohler, Louis Kohler, Joy Herrington and Julie Niederkorn participated in the Creekside Elementary School science night on February 15, 2018.
NCFC Meeting November 2017
Dr. James Bain and his Paleocampers gave a report on their “Paleozona” trip to Arizona this past June.
Greens Mill Run October 2017
Despite a chilly start to the morning we had a good turnout. After some debate among some of the group regarding waders we set off to the creek. As usual, some people immediately took...
NCFC Fossil Fair 2017
Organized by the North Carolina Fossil Club, the Fossil Fair is an annual gathering of fossil enthusiasts who share their passion and knowledge of paleontology with the public. Some to the best fossils found...
NCFC Meeting September 2017
The September meeting included a celebration of the club’s 40th anniversary and the debut/release of Volume IV of the Fossils of North Carolina series. Volume IV is in two parts: reptiles, birds, Proto-mammals and...
VMNH Dino Days 7-2017
Dino Day was a 2 day nod to the life and various times of the dinosaur giants. It opened at 3 pm to 8 pm on Friday, July 21 and from 9am to 3 pm on Saturday, July...
NCFC Meeting July 2017
George Powell from Greenville talked about his fossil collection and provided tips and techniques for cataloging fossils.
World Ocean Day – Discovery Place 6-2017
World Oceans Day was held on June 10, 2017 at Discovery Place in downtown Charlotte, NC. The NC Fossil Club was in attendance with Joy Herrington’s whale material collection. Ruffin Tucker (aided by his...
Dino Egg Hunt March 2017
NCFC members helped out at the Fossil Dig pile at the 2017 Museum of Life and Science Dino Egg Hunt. Thanks to the following for helping out and to Trish for organizing and all...
NCFC Meeting March 2017
The March speaker was Dr. Andy Heckert, Professor, Vertebrate Paleontology, Dinosaurs, Litho/Biostratigraphy. Dr. Heckert spoke on Triassic Vertebrate Fossils of central and northern Arizona.
Creekside Science Night 2017
Members off the NC Fossil Club displayed at the 2017 Creekside Science night
VMNH Ice Age Festival 1-2017
Members of the NCFC, Ruffin Tucker and grandson, Joseph Zufall attended and presented a mixed collection with emphasis on my Edisto Island Ice Age animals from sloth, camel, glyptodont, horse and deer and manatee and others. They had a...
NCFC Meeting January 2017
The NC Fossil Club held it bi-monthly meeting at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences on January 15, 2017. During the meeting, the 2017 Chandler Award for meritorious service to the NC Fossil Club...
NC Fossil Fair 11-2016
Over twenty NC Fossil Club members set up displays at the NC Fossil Fair at the Greensboro Science Center. This was in addition to the “Pungo” fossil dirt pile set up in front of...
Discovery Place Fossil Day 11-2016
The Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC held their Fossil Day on November 12, 2016. The NC Fossil Club was represented by Ruffin Tucker and Joy Harrington. Discovery Place had some interesting ideas for hands...