Old Dock – Spring 2024

There have been 2 recent trips to Old Dock, one on March 9th, with 4 members attending and another one on April 27th with 9 members in attendance. This is a Pleistocene, Waccamaw Formation quarry, with wonderfully preserved 2 million year old mollusks and a host of less common things. The March 9th trip was pretty much a washout, cold and raining. The 4 of us huddled around the edges of the pile and still managed to have a good time, despite the weather. The April trip went a lot better. It started with us finding a trio of black racer snakes under the tin we use to keep back the vegetation from the edge of the pile. Luckily, several of our members are herpetologists who moved the harmless guys to safety (after their obligatory photo op…). Everyone found nice things (including a tiny gastropod with color pattern), and Al, Tony and I closed it down after everyone else took buckets of matrix to search at home to find even more treasures.