Thank you for visiting the NC Fossil Club online store. You may order publications, join the club, renew your membership or make a tax deductible donation. Once you’ve made your selections, you will be directed to the club’s secure checkout site where you may pay by credit card or PayPal. NOTE: if you pay by Paypal, please make sure that the address and email address on your PayPal account is the one you'd like us to use to contact you or ship your publications to if ordered. If not, please send a separate email ( following your order to let us know of any updates. (Need tips for ordering from the Online Store, click here.) **Prices shown include shipping and taxes (if applicable) within continental US. For all other orders, please email for additional shipping costs. Click on thumbnails to view larger images of covers.
NC Fossil Club Membership - Please select your membership choice on the left: Individual - New $20/Renewal $15; Household - New $25/Renewal $20. Memberships are good for the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. After you complete your purchase, you will be directed to the order confirmation page. New members will need to complete a Membership Form and mail it in. New Members who join in November and December are automatically extended to the end of the next calendar year. Those renewing may submit any updated information to
The NC Fossil Club is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. All contributions are tax deductible. If you’d like to make a donation to the Publication Fund, or to help further the club’s education and/or outreach mission, or to help fund the Club's Paleontological Research Grants, you may do so here. In the notes after you enter your payment information, you may add a note to let us know how to direct your contribution. Please note that making a donation must be done as a separate transaction and not as part of an above purchase.