Norwood Arbor Day and Fossil Fair April 2015

The Norwood Fossil Fair was held on a cool and rainy Saturday, April 23, 2015. This was the 6th year for the NC Fossil Club outreach to this Piedmont community. Jonathan, Kathy and Arianna Fain, and Ruffin Tucker represented the Club with their fossil displays. Dr. James Bain and Mary Boulton set up their aurora dirt outside under the big tent and helped many kids (and adults) find shark teeth and other fossils.  Though attendance was lower than normal due to the rain, they were able to give them a good show.  The festival provided great barbecue at the Fire Station.  The US Forest Service was there with a 20 ft. Smokey Bear, as were vendors selling jewelry, food, plants and bird houses.  There was also live music on stage all day and into the night.

Norwood FF 2015