MLS Dino Academy
The Museum of Life and Science held it's annual Dino Academy on August 19th, and 3195 excited visitors came to see our exhibits. Fossils from the Mesozoic Era were displayed by: Trish Kohler, Jim and Lynn Criswell, Charlie and Pam Causey, Dan Peters, Jonathan Fain, Terry and Victor Denny, and Ramona and Will Krailler. We were all grateful for the help of Tony Shaver, Cheryl Gourley, Judy Argentine, and Louis Kohler who volunteered in many ways as needed.
There were 3-D printed life-like dinosaur skulls and skeletons; casts of dino bones, skulls, footprints, eggs, and Archaeopteryx; real dinosaur bones, teeth, and poop found here in NC and elsewhere; and lots of ammonites, baculites, belemnites, shells, plants, petrified wood, reptiles, fish, sharks teeth, and other Mesozoic fossils on display.Toy dinosaur and mosasaur figures at various tables kept the younger children entertained.
We all had a fun time talking to the kids (who always know the names of all the dinosaurs) and the parents and others who asked good questions, too. We're looking forward to doing it again next year.